Cassandra Moser

Cassandra R. Moser extricated her client from litigation for a severe personal injury claim at a popular San Diego concert venue, which her client was wrongly dragged into simply because they were one of several trucking companies that delivered equipment to the venue.  

Plaintiff, who was part of the crew working the Tame Impala 2020 Concert Tour at Pechanga Arena, was offloading concert equipment from a tractor-trailer when the trailer was struck by a forklift.  This impact caused one of the equipment carts on the trailer to roll into Plaintiff, crushing him between the cart and the trailer wall.  Plaintiff claimed significant injuries as a result of this incident.  The trailer where this incident occurred was one of more than 20 tractor-trailers that had delivered equipment for the concert.   

Throughout discovery, Cassie adeptly questioned Plaintiff at deposition and through written discovery to establish that he lacked any actual evidence of her client’s involvement with the trailer, equipment, or forklift involved in the incident.  Despite this lack of evidence, Plaintiff’s unscrupulous attorney would not dismiss Cassie’s client, solely in an effort to extort money from its insurance carrier.  

Cassie took the matter before the court, arguing in her summary judgment motion that Plaintiff lacked any evidence with which to hold her client responsible for the incident.  The Judge agreed, granting Cassie’s motion and giving a complete win to her client.

In the aftermath of this ruling, Cassie is currently pursuing recovery of her client’s litigation costs from Plaintiff.   

Burrows & Stutsman congratulates Cassie on her first courtroom victory!  With the legal acumen she has displayed thus far, we know there will be many more to follow.

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